Core Values BerAKHLAK BPS Barru Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Barru Regency

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Core Values BerAKHLAK BPS Barru Regency

Core Values BerAKHLAK BPS Barru Regency

February 10, 2025 | Other Activities

As one of the steps to transform ASN management towards a world class government in strengthening work culture and implementing the provisions of Article 4 on basic values and Article 5 on the code of ethics and code of conduct of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus, the core values or basic values of ASN BerAKHLAK and ASN employer branding “Proud to Serve the Nation” were launched. BerAKHLAK is an acronym for Service Oriented (Berorientasi Pelayanan), Accountable (Akuntabel), Competent (Kompeten), Harmonious (Harmonis), Loyal (Loyal), Adaptive (Adaptif), and Collaborative (Kolaboratif). 

The code of ethics behavior of each basic value is a reference for ASN in implementing these core values. The basic values of BerAKHLAK are the basis for strengthening work culture at BPS Barru Regency in supporting the achievement of individual performance and organizational goals. 

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