In December 2020, there were no foreign tourists visiting South Sulawesi - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Barru Regency

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In December 2020, there were no foreign tourists visiting South Sulawesi

Release Date : February 1, 2021
File Size : 1.9 MB


• In December 2020, there were no foreign tourists visiting South Sulawesi. The spread of Covid-19 that has not abated has an impact on travel. The total number of foreign tourist visits in 2020 was 3,573 visits.

• Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star-classified hotels in South Sulawesi in December 2020 increased by 12.26 points compared to the ROR in November 2020, from 42.56 percent in November 2020 to 54.82 percent in December 2020. When compared to December 2019 (56.11 percent), the ROR for hotels with star classification in December 2020 fell 1.29 points.

• The average length of stay of foreign and domestic guests at star-classified hotels in South Sulawesi during December 2020 was 2.42 days and 1.51 days, respectively.
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